The actions went well. In spite of JP gov't order to US Cosuls not to receive letters in person, many consuls did anyway, suggesting a diversity of opinion among the representatives of Japan; perhaps a sympathy for Fukushima's victims?
The San Francisco office refuses still, to accept letters on the 11th of the month. Detroit activists received a memo in return, the usual "party line" with a sugar coating. Not everyone reported back, but what's important is to remember, and not stop here.
The invisible radiation is not going to stop, ever.
* * * * *
The meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station occurred three years ago on March 11, 2011 (and the next few days thereafter). For three years TEPCO has been bungling the remediation effort while the life and health of everyone on this planet has been seriously threatened by the uncontained release of radiation, especially in Japan. And it's going to go on for decades, if not centuries more. Right now Daiichi is in a state of collapse from every angle: infrastructure weakened, manpower shortages, cooling systems deteriorating, lethally radioactive water storage leaks, contaminated groundwater rising to the surface, electrical systems highly vulnerable, all of this at risk of a major earthquake taking it out entirely.
In spite of all this, the PM is energetically pushing nuclear technology to India, Korea, Turkey and Vietnam. Japan's new Secrecy Law could make it a crime to investigate nuclear issues; and the harassment and jailing of Japanese anti-nuclear activists must stop!
Tepco's poisoning of the Pacific is studied the world over except for the U.S. and Japan. Most of us have no illusion that the water is safe and that the marine products are safe. We're giving up fish- BUT WE'RE NOT GIVING UP THE FIGHT TO FIX FUKUSHIMA and EVACUATE THE CHILDREN!!
We are taking to the streets to demand action. Not weak assurances of safety or outright lies. We want results. Here are a selection of events planned for 3.11 2014 that will bring your voice to the fore, that will let your concerns be heard, that will strengthen your heart, and your resolve. There's no turning back; Fukushima is Here.
Forgive me if your event is not listed here, just send me the info at: info@fukushimaresponsebayarea so I can add it.
My thanks to all those who've posted here.
N. American calendar of events by date, here.
Astounding page of events here.
We will post updates on all the actions; send your stories, photos, and videos here. Send us the letters to PM Abe you delivered.
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No Nukes Action, San Francisco Consulate |
We are asking everyone all over the world to assemble in front of your nearest Japanese Consulate to protest the ongoing denial of responsibility by TEPCO and Japan's government. We also ask you to write a letter to the Japanese Prime Minister, His Excellency Shinzo Abe. It should also be addressed to the General Consul of the city you are in, and it must end with the name and address of the (a) writer, in order to be delivered to Tokyo. If these conditions are met, they are required to deliver it to the PM in Tokyo. Only one name is needed on the letter, which means you can carry out a one-person action if you can't find anyone else to go with you! If any Japanese are involved in these actions, we ask them to please translate the letter into Japanese as well; if it's not possible, an English letter will do. It would be best to make two copies of each letter (and a copy for the world; send them here!), one for the PM and one for the General Consul. Here's a map of all the Japan Consulate locations in the U.S. (and the world; scroll down): http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/jicc/consulate-guide.html
It's best to call ahead of the day of protest to request that the Consul (or his/her deputy) come down to meet you and receive the letter. Read the letter out loud to the Consul and make sure to videotape and/or photograph it. Try to get a sign indicating it's the Consulate in your photos; they won't allow you to photograph inside the building front doors.
No Nukes Action will seek to link these events up with live streaming on the Independent Web Journal (IWJ) (They've live-streamed the Tokyo demos and the Oi anti-restart protests, among many other things). We are going to archive all letters and videos if you send us copies, but in any case spread them far and wide. And definitely let the people of Japan know what you're doing!
Cities now pledging Consulate actions:
Washington, DC

March 11, 2014; details to come.
Detroit, MI
Tuesday, March 11, please join us in solidarity with the Coalition Against Nukes and groups and organizations across the country and the world to remember the beginning of the Fukushima catastrophe of March 11, 2011. This event will be happening simultaneously at many of the Japanese consulates and embassies worldwide to demand a transparent international solution and oversight for the continuing disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant.
We are calling on individuals and groups to endorse this event which will be held in conjunction and also bring attention to the Unplug Nuclear Power day of action, http://www.unplugnuclearpower.com/ .
We will meet at the back river-side entrance of the Renaissance Center in Detroit at 10:45 a.m.. We will then deliver the letter with our demands to the Consulate located within and hold a brief press conference and rally. Bring your anti-nuke signs!
As the radiation continues to contaminate the Northern Hemisphere with no end in sight, we will also use this event to draw attention to our own dangerous nuclear power plants all of which have had many "close calls" and constant "minor" radiation leaks.
We will address the regional dangers posed by nuclear power to the Great Lakes Ecosystem paying particular attention to Fukushima's twin Detroit Edison's Fermi 2 -- the largest GE mark 1 reactor in the world, the cracked Davis Besse nuclear plant also on the shores of Lake Erie Shut Down Davis Besse, the always leaking Palisades nuclear power plant on the shores of Lake Michigan, and the proposed nuclear waste dump on the shores of Lake Huron in Southern Ontario Stop The Great Lakes Nuclear Dump.
Any Toledo people interested in carpooling, we will be meeting at Black Kite Coffee on the corner of Collingwood and Delaware at 9:00 am. We will figure out ride sharing from there.
Chicago, IL
Japan’s State Secrets Law - Journalism Silenced! Protest at the Japanese Consulate
Perth, AU
Detroit, MI
Tuesday, March 11, please join us in solidarity with the Coalition Against Nukes and groups and organizations across the country and the world to remember the beginning of the Fukushima catastrophe of March 11, 2011. This event will be happening simultaneously at many of the Japanese consulates and embassies worldwide to demand a transparent international solution and oversight for the continuing disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant.
We are calling on individuals and groups to endorse this event which will be held in conjunction and also bring attention to the Unplug Nuclear Power day of action, http://www.unplugnuclearpower.com/ .
We will meet at the back river-side entrance of the Renaissance Center in Detroit at 10:45 a.m.. We will then deliver the letter with our demands to the Consulate located within and hold a brief press conference and rally. Bring your anti-nuke signs!
As the radiation continues to contaminate the Northern Hemisphere with no end in sight, we will also use this event to draw attention to our own dangerous nuclear power plants all of which have had many "close calls" and constant "minor" radiation leaks.
We will address the regional dangers posed by nuclear power to the Great Lakes Ecosystem paying particular attention to Fukushima's twin Detroit Edison's Fermi 2 -- the largest GE mark 1 reactor in the world, the cracked Davis Besse nuclear plant also on the shores of Lake Erie Shut Down Davis Besse, the always leaking Palisades nuclear power plant on the shores of Lake Michigan, and the proposed nuclear waste dump on the shores of Lake Huron in Southern Ontario Stop The Great Lakes Nuclear Dump.
Any Toledo people interested in carpooling, we will be meeting at Black Kite Coffee on the corner of Collingwood and Delaware at 9:00 am. We will figure out ride sharing from there.
Chicago, IL
Japan’s State Secrets Law - Journalism Silenced! Protest at the Japanese Consulate
Tuesday, March 11th at 11:00 a.m. This protest is being called for by Nuclear Energy Information Service on the three year anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster to call attention to the silencing of the press in Japan.
“…the bill is clearly antidemocratic in nature”
The Japan Times Editorial: Drop antidemocratic Secrecy Bill, September 2013
“The bill provides for prison terms of up to ten years, not only for government insiders who leak information regarded as “secret,” but also for those, including journalists, who encourage them to do so. And whereas existing laws mandate protection of military secrets alone, the new bill will expand such secrecy to every government ministry.” - Michael Penn is president of the Shingetsu News Agency and Chairman of the Freedom of the Press Committee, Foreign Correspondents’ club of Japan, November 2013
“Reporters Without Borders deplores the lower house of the Japanese parliament’s adoption yesterday of a “special intelligence protection bill” that would pose an unprecedented threat to freedom of information, and calls on Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government to abandon the proposed law.” -Reporters Without Borders, November 2013
Japanese Consulate in Chicago: 737 N. Michigan Avenue; but the entrance is on Chicago Avenue. From the Walgreens on the corner of Michigan & Chicago Aves., walk approx. 200 feet East on Chicago Ave. to the entrance of the office building that includes the Japanese Consulate. Dress for the weather, we will not go into the building and will be on the sidewalk. Contact: neis@neis.org
San Francisco, CA
The Japan Consulate is at 50 Fremont St. in SF, near the Embarcadero BART station. Assembly at 3 pm, short speeches, reading and delivery of letter to Consul, then march to Union Square for rally and more speakers. http://nonukesaction.wordpress.com/
Contact: nonukesactioncommittee@gmail.com
New York, NY
March 11: Consulate General of Japan in New York: 299 Park Ave. #19 (at 49th St.), NY 10171. Demo and press conference, starts at 3:30 pm, after, march to Times Square
March 15: Union Square, Broadway and 14th St., rally at 1 pm, march at 2 pm. http://311newyork.wordpress.com https://twitter.com/TwitNoNukesNYC https://www.facebook.com/311ActionNewYork Contact: Yuko Tonohira at yuko.tonohira@gmail.com
Boston, MA
The weekly vigil, ON BEHALF OF PLANET EARTH, at the Japanese Consulate in Boston will hold a special vigil to remember the 3rd anniversary of Fukushima nuclear accident.
We will have special signs/banners, we'll leaflet, and most importantly, we'll bring letters for the Consul to deliver to PM Shinzo Abe. Please, join us on Thursday, March 13th, 8:15AM - 9:15AM (the regular day and time of our weekly vigil) for this very special and important anniversary at the Federal Reserve Bldg. (Consulate: 22nd fl.), 600 Atlantic Ave, corner of Summer Street, at South Station (Red Line). Contact: sheilaruthparks@comcast.net
Please join us for a vigil and procession to show solidarity with all people affected by nuclear radiation. There will be a talking circle at 6 PM and a candle light vigil at sundown. We will then have a procession through downtown Flagstaff during Art Walk.
We will also be collecting letters of Solidarity with the people of Japan to send to Japanese Prime Minister Abe. These letters should, in your own words, focus on the dangers of nuclear power and urge the Prime Minister to fully decommission all of the nuclear reactors in Japan (they are all currently shut down). It would also be great to include explanations that link their use of nuclear power to the devastating effects uranium mining and milling have had on the Four Corners region and how we are all affected locally by their use of nuclear power.
Contact Rudy: pathfinder@ethos7.com or 480-382-5288
Los Angeles, CA
March 11, 1 pm: Memorial Action for 3.11 FUKUSHIMA TRAGEDY
Japan Consulate Office, meeting outside at 350 South Grand Ave., # 1700, 90071
We make the "Offering" to Japan's gov't 2 - 3 pm.
"After the meeting" report is at 3 pm ~
March 11, 12 noon assemble at Japanese Consulate, 1300 SW Fifth Ave. #2700 OR, 97201
Led by No Nukes NW/RadCast Contact Mimi at: info@radcast.org
Seattle, WA
March 11, Fukushima Response Seattle will gather at 11:30 am at 6th and Union, for a silent circle of prayers, sending healing light to Japan, the Pacific Ocean, the Earth, and every living being. Either before or after this, we will contact the Consul General of the Embassy and read aloud a letter asking that Japan and TEPCO take full responsibility for the disaster at Fukushima. Following this, we will walk to Westlake Center where there will be more speakers. Bring signs, drums, banners, etc. Contact: Jordan Van Voast jordanvvvv@gmail.com
Atlanta, GA
March 11, 2014 / 12 noon-1PM - VIGIL at Japanese Consulate in Atlanta
3438 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
1:15-1:30 PM deliver letter to Japanese Consul General Kazuo Sunaga during press conference
We will gather in respectful vigil at Japanese Consulate and nearby Peachtree Street/Lenox Road to remember the hardships facing the Japanese as they grapple with the accidents at Fukushima Daiichi. We will submit letter for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Consul General Kazuo Sunaga at a press conference at 1:15.
The Atlanta consulate is in the office tower adjacent to Phipps Plaza and across from Lenox Square. Plenty of free parking and accessible by MARTA. We encourage participants to wear black to signify mourning.
Led by Nuclear Watch South and Georgia WAND. Contact: atom.girl@nonukesyall.org
Berlin, DE
Kazaguruma Demo for 3 Fukushima Anniversary - Sayonara Nukes Berlin
March 11, meet at Brandenburg Gate 1 pm, and march to Japan Embassy at Hiroshimastrasse 6.
To celebrate this demo we present the Prime Minister of Japan an open letter.
For the 3rd Anniversary of the disaster, FUKUSHIMA needs Sayonara Nukes anti-nuclear Berlin and Berlin to demonstrate together with you against nuclear power. Come in great numbers to our demo and bring a Kazaguruma ("windmill" in Japanese) with you. Tinkering, build yourself one, we will also distribute them at the demo.
We call on the Japanese government: The consistent nuclear phase-out: no re-commissioned nuclear power plants, no construction of new nuclear power plants nor any export of nuclear technology; The accelerated expansion of renewable energy and energy efficiency investments; Responsible and effective measures to prevent further contamination in and around FUKUSHIMA, in particular to stop the further influx of radioactivity into the sea at last; The evacuation of people, especially children, from the contaminated area; Adequate compensation / support for the FUKUSHIMA affected; Treatment and storage of nuclear waste appropriate to its dangerousness, including the excavated contaminated earth masses; A transparent information policy and the withdrawal of the secrecy law.We ask for your support! A clear and loud voice from Germany encourages the anti-nuclear activists in Japan who are in a tough fight. Let's show the Japanese government that FUKUSHIMA is an international affair. Let the people both in Germany and in Japan remember that FUKUSHIMA is not long gone!
Contact: info@sayonara-nukes-berlin.org
Tentatively scheduled: Honolulu; and 6 more U.S. cities to go: Denver, Anchorage, Hagatna GUAM, Houston, Miami, Nashville (see map). Will you be the one to act? Write to: info@fukushimaresponsebayarea.org for help.
On March 11, Beyond Nuclear will join with many other organizations from around the country to remember those suffering as a result of the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster. Please help to Unplug Nuclear Power (and fossil fuels, too, of course) by using as little grid-supplied electricity as possible on that day. Our action is designed to send the message to the utility companies that we refuse to accept nuclear power any longer. As my friend would say, "Vote with your wallet! (or pocketbook!)
No Nukes Week: Various anti-nuclear events are planned for the week surrounding March 11 marking three years since the nuclear disaster at Fukushima. Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action, Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai and Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes have designated this week as NO NUKES WEEK and are calling for joint action against nuclear power generation. Please take part in one of the events in your area. All information here: http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/en/0309-3/
Tokyo, Japan

NO NUKES DAY Part 1: An assembly will be held at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall, Hibaya Park, Chiyoda City, Tokyo at 1 pm on March 9. Part 2: The petition demo & Diet-siege will start around the National Diet Building at 2 pm. Mass mobilization at Diet from 3:30-5 pm.
Metropolitan Council Against Nukes https://www.facebook.com/MCANglobal
Please join our weekly Candles for Peace gathering at the Friday anti-nuclear demonstration in Tokyo. Join in person or remote by lighting a candle wherever you are in the world. If you join remotely, please post a photo of your lighted candle on this event page. Many people are joining from all over the world!
The Friday demonstration is peaceful and keeps the anti-nuclear momentum in Japan going. Although people from all ages (including children) attend, the demonstration is dominated by an elder population standing for the future of the younger generations. We are especially reaching out to a younger generation, to stand for something you believe in!
Place: Kokkaigijidomae subway station, Exit 4 (turn right from the exit and walk to the nearest intersection crossing. Cross the street to the left. Walk straight along the Diet (parliament) building (left hand), towards Stage 2 of the protest. Our FB communities(FBコミュニティ)
- https://www.facebook.com/BeautifulEnergyTokyo
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/BeautifulEnergy/
- https://www.facebook.com/IntrepidModelAdventures
More information: https://www.facebook.com/MCANglobal or http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/
The global movement for a nuclear-free world is growing every day. Only when we stand together we can make a change. Let your voice be heard too! Love and peace, The Beautiful Energy Team
Koriyama, Japan
March 11 Anti-NPP Fukushima Action in 2014
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014, at 2:00 p.m.
Location: Koriyama General Gymnasium
We call for all labor unions, organizations/groups and every worker of the world to endorse/participate in our Fukushima Action. Contact: 3.11fukushimaaction@gmail.com
Kyoto, Japan 
"Bye Bye Nuclear Plants, Kyoto Action"
at Maruyama Park, Outdoor Music Hall , 1:30 -2 :45 PM
"What Can We Do for Future Children? Facts and Problems of Fukushima after 3 Years"
Main speakers are Dr. Helen Caldicott and Prof. Hiroaki Koide
at KBS Culture Hall from 2 PM (Doors open at 1 PM). Details soon.
Fukui, Japan 
Date: March 9th, 2014, Venue: Kyoyo Kaikan, Sabae City, Fukui
Exhibition gallery (from 11:00 AM ~ 4.30 PM)
- Entrance is free.
Talks (from 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM)
- Venue: Multi-purpose hall at the 1st floor
- Entrance fee is 500 yen; those below 16 years old can enter free of charge.
*Evacuees living in Fukui talks of their experiences
*Performance by school children of Tachimachi Elementary
*Photojournalist Yusei Yamaga talks about the current situation of the disaster-stricken areas.
and much more!
For enquiries and ticket purchases, contact 090-2835-3350
Official website: http://wants.jp/smile/
復興を願う集い2014 wants.jp

“Come Together” nationwide anti-nuclear protest (308廢核大遊行) on Saturday 8 March 2014. Protests in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Taitung. More information at Facebook.
“Run Away From Nuclear” 7km running event starts at 7:00am, Saturday 29 March 2014 on Ketagalan Boulevard in Taipei. More information at Taipei Times.
Boise, ID
March 11, 2014 @ 6:00 pm, Bergquist Lounge - BSU, Student Union Building, 1700 University Drive, Boise, ID. Free and open to the public.
CONTACT: Snake River Alliance 208-344-9161 E-mail: communications@snakeriveralliance.org
BSU Fukushima
In remembrance of the Fukushima nuclear disaster of March 2011, the Snake River Alliance, in collaboration with the BSU Sustainability Club, will show an interview with Katsutaka Idogawa, the former mayor of Futaba where part of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is located. We will also provide a brief update on the current situation at Fukushima.
San Francisco, CA
March 8 - The Golden Gate Bridge will host Code Pink, Fukushima Response, No Nukes Action and friends.
From Kabul to Fukushima to San Francisco.
International Women's Day
3rd Anniversary of Fukushima
Afghan Women for Peace
10:00am: Rally at Bridge Plaza, SF side
11:00: March on eastern walkway, from SF or Marin, Converge in middle
Noon: Honoring Women Activists around the Globe, past & present, SF side
“…the bill is clearly antidemocratic in nature”
The Japan Times Editorial: Drop antidemocratic Secrecy Bill, September 2013
“The bill provides for prison terms of up to ten years, not only for government insiders who leak information regarded as “secret,” but also for those, including journalists, who encourage them to do so. And whereas existing laws mandate protection of military secrets alone, the new bill will expand such secrecy to every government ministry.” - Michael Penn is president of the Shingetsu News Agency and Chairman of the Freedom of the Press Committee, Foreign Correspondents’ club of Japan, November 2013
“Reporters Without Borders deplores the lower house of the Japanese parliament’s adoption yesterday of a “special intelligence protection bill” that would pose an unprecedented threat to freedom of information, and calls on Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government to abandon the proposed law.” -Reporters Without Borders, November 2013
Japanese Consulate in Chicago: 737 N. Michigan Avenue; but the entrance is on Chicago Avenue. From the Walgreens on the corner of Michigan & Chicago Aves., walk approx. 200 feet East on Chicago Ave. to the entrance of the office building that includes the Japanese Consulate. Dress for the weather, we will not go into the building and will be on the sidewalk. Contact: neis@neis.org
San Francisco, CA
The Japan Consulate is at 50 Fremont St. in SF, near the Embarcadero BART station. Assembly at 3 pm, short speeches, reading and delivery of letter to Consul, then march to Union Square for rally and more speakers. http://nonukesaction.wordpress.com/
Contact: nonukesactioncommittee@gmail.com
New York, NY

March 11: Consulate General of Japan in New York: 299 Park Ave. #19 (at 49th St.), NY 10171. Demo and press conference, starts at 3:30 pm, after, march to Times Square
March 15: Union Square, Broadway and 14th St., rally at 1 pm, march at 2 pm. http://311newyork.wordpress.com https://twitter.com/TwitNoNukesNYC https://www.facebook.com/311ActionNewYork Contact: Yuko Tonohira at yuko.tonohira@gmail.com
Boston, MA

Not technically a Consulate action -but they're collecting letters!
From Fukushima to the Four Corners
WHEN: Friday, March 7th – 6:00 PM
WHERE: County Courthouse Lawn – San Francisco St. & Birch St. (map)
WHAT: Candle light Vigil & Procession
WHAT TO BRING: Candles, Banners, & Letter of Solidarity
Please join us for a vigil and procession to show solidarity with all people affected by nuclear radiation. There will be a talking circle at 6 PM and a candle light vigil at sundown. We will then have a procession through downtown Flagstaff during Art Walk.
We will also be collecting letters of Solidarity with the people of Japan to send to Japanese Prime Minister Abe. These letters should, in your own words, focus on the dangers of nuclear power and urge the Prime Minister to fully decommission all of the nuclear reactors in Japan (they are all currently shut down). It would also be great to include explanations that link their use of nuclear power to the devastating effects uranium mining and milling have had on the Four Corners region and how we are all affected locally by their use of nuclear power.
Contact Rudy: pathfinder@ethos7.com or 480-382-5288
Los Angeles, CA

March 11, 1 pm: Memorial Action for 3.11 FUKUSHIMA TRAGEDY
Japan Consulate Office, meeting outside at 350 South Grand Ave., # 1700, 90071
We make the "Offering" to Japan's gov't 2 - 3 pm.
"After the meeting" report is at 3 pm ~
Contact; Yushi Yamazaki-323.401.3035 yushiyam@usc.ed
David Monkawa-818.292.3568 dmonkawa@calnurses.org
David Monkawa-818.292.3568 dmonkawa@calnurses.org
March 11, 12 noon assemble at Japanese Consulate, 1300 SW Fifth Ave. #2700 OR, 97201
Seattle, WA
March 11, Fukushima Response Seattle will gather at 11:30 am at 6th and Union, for a silent circle of prayers, sending healing light to Japan, the Pacific Ocean, the Earth, and every living being. Either before or after this, we will contact the Consul General of the Embassy and read aloud a letter asking that Japan and TEPCO take full responsibility for the disaster at Fukushima. Following this, we will walk to Westlake Center where there will be more speakers. Bring signs, drums, banners, etc. Contact: Jordan Van Voast jordanvvvv@gmail.com
Atlanta, GA

March 11, 2014 / 12 noon-1PM - VIGIL at Japanese Consulate in Atlanta
3438 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30326
1:15-1:30 PM deliver letter to Japanese Consul General Kazuo Sunaga during press conference
We will gather in respectful vigil at Japanese Consulate and nearby Peachtree Street/Lenox Road to remember the hardships facing the Japanese as they grapple with the accidents at Fukushima Daiichi. We will submit letter for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Consul General Kazuo Sunaga at a press conference at 1:15.
The Atlanta consulate is in the office tower adjacent to Phipps Plaza and across from Lenox Square. Plenty of free parking and accessible by MARTA. We encourage participants to wear black to signify mourning.
Led by Nuclear Watch South and Georgia WAND. Contact: atom.girl@nonukesyall.org

Kazaguruma Demo for 3 Fukushima Anniversary - Sayonara Nukes Berlin
March 11, meet at Brandenburg Gate 1 pm, and march to Japan Embassy at Hiroshimastrasse 6.
To celebrate this demo we present the Prime Minister of Japan an open letter.
For the 3rd Anniversary of the disaster, FUKUSHIMA needs Sayonara Nukes anti-nuclear Berlin and Berlin to demonstrate together with you against nuclear power. Come in great numbers to our demo and bring a Kazaguruma ("windmill" in Japanese) with you. Tinkering, build yourself one, we will also distribute them at the demo.
We call on the Japanese government: The consistent nuclear phase-out: no re-commissioned nuclear power plants, no construction of new nuclear power plants nor any export of nuclear technology; The accelerated expansion of renewable energy and energy efficiency investments; Responsible and effective measures to prevent further contamination in and around FUKUSHIMA, in particular to stop the further influx of radioactivity into the sea at last; The evacuation of people, especially children, from the contaminated area; Adequate compensation / support for the FUKUSHIMA affected; Treatment and storage of nuclear waste appropriate to its dangerousness, including the excavated contaminated earth masses; A transparent information policy and the withdrawal of the secrecy law.We ask for your support! A clear and loud voice from Germany encourages the anti-nuclear activists in Japan who are in a tough fight. Let's show the Japanese government that FUKUSHIMA is an international affair. Let the people both in Germany and in Japan remember that FUKUSHIMA is not long gone!
Contact: info@sayonara-nukes-berlin.org

On March 11, Beyond Nuclear will join with many other organizations from around the country to remember those suffering as a result of the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster. Please help to Unplug Nuclear Power (and fossil fuels, too, of course) by using as little grid-supplied electricity as possible on that day. Our action is designed to send the message to the utility companies that we refuse to accept nuclear power any longer. As my friend would say, "Vote with your wallet! (or pocketbook!)
No Nukes Week: Various anti-nuclear events are planned for the week surrounding March 11 marking three years since the nuclear disaster at Fukushima. Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action, Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai and Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes have designated this week as NO NUKES WEEK and are calling for joint action against nuclear power generation. Please take part in one of the events in your area. All information here: http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/en/0309-3/
Tokyo, Japan

NO NUKES DAY Part 1: An assembly will be held at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall, Hibaya Park, Chiyoda City, Tokyo at 1 pm on March 9. Part 2: The petition demo & Diet-siege will start around the National Diet Building at 2 pm. Mass mobilization at Diet from 3:30-5 pm.
Metropolitan Council Against Nukes https://www.facebook.com/MCANglobal
BEAUTIFUL ENERGY - CANDLES FOR PEACE Friday, March 7, 6:30 to 8 pm
Please join our weekly Candles for Peace gathering at the Friday anti-nuclear demonstration in Tokyo. Join in person or remote by lighting a candle wherever you are in the world. If you join remotely, please post a photo of your lighted candle on this event page. Many people are joining from all over the world!
The Friday demonstration is peaceful and keeps the anti-nuclear momentum in Japan going. Although people from all ages (including children) attend, the demonstration is dominated by an elder population standing for the future of the younger generations. We are especially reaching out to a younger generation, to stand for something you believe in!
Place: Kokkaigijidomae subway station, Exit 4 (turn right from the exit and walk to the nearest intersection crossing. Cross the street to the left. Walk straight along the Diet (parliament) building (left hand), towards Stage 2 of the protest. Our FB communities(FBコミュニティ)
- https://www.facebook.com/BeautifulEnergyTokyo
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/BeautifulEnergy/
- https://www.facebook.com/IntrepidModelAdventures
More information: https://www.facebook.com/MCANglobal or http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/
The global movement for a nuclear-free world is growing every day. Only when we stand together we can make a change. Let your voice be heard too! Love and peace, The Beautiful Energy Team
Koriyama, Japan

March 11 Anti-NPP Fukushima Action in 2014
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014, at 2:00 p.m.
Location: Koriyama General Gymnasium
We call for all labor unions, organizations/groups and every worker of the world to endorse/participate in our Fukushima Action. Contact: 3.11fukushimaaction@gmail.com

"Bye Bye Nuclear Plants, Kyoto Action"
at Maruyama Park, Outdoor Music Hall , 1:30 -2 :45 PM
"What Can We Do for Future Children? Facts and Problems of Fukushima after 3 Years"
Main speakers are Dr. Helen Caldicott and Prof. Hiroaki Koide
at KBS Culture Hall from 2 PM (Doors open at 1 PM). Details soon.

Date: March 9th, 2014, Venue: Kyoyo Kaikan, Sabae City, Fukui
Exhibition gallery (from 11:00 AM ~ 4.30 PM)
- Entrance is free.
Talks (from 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM)
- Venue: Multi-purpose hall at the 1st floor
- Entrance fee is 500 yen; those below 16 years old can enter free of charge.
*Evacuees living in Fukui talks of their experiences
*Performance by school children of Tachimachi Elementary
*Photojournalist Yusei Yamaga talks about the current situation of the disaster-stricken areas.
and much more!
For enquiries and ticket purchases, contact 090-2835-3350
Official website: http://wants.jp/smile/
復興を願う集い2014 wants.jp

“Come Together” nationwide anti-nuclear protest (308廢核大遊行) on Saturday 8 March 2014. Protests in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Taitung. More information at Facebook.
“Run Away From Nuclear” 7km running event starts at 7:00am, Saturday 29 March 2014 on Ketagalan Boulevard in Taipei. More information at Taipei Times.
Boise, ID
March 11, 2014 @ 6:00 pm, Bergquist Lounge - BSU, Student Union Building, 1700 University Drive, Boise, ID. Free and open to the public.
CONTACT: Snake River Alliance 208-344-9161 E-mail: communications@snakeriveralliance.org
BSU Fukushima
In remembrance of the Fukushima nuclear disaster of March 2011, the Snake River Alliance, in collaboration with the BSU Sustainability Club, will show an interview with Katsutaka Idogawa, the former mayor of Futaba where part of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is located. We will also provide a brief update on the current situation at Fukushima.
San Francisco, CA

March 8 - The Golden Gate Bridge will host Code Pink, Fukushima Response, No Nukes Action and friends.
From Kabul to Fukushima to San Francisco.
International Women's Day
3rd Anniversary of Fukushima
Afghan Women for Peace
10:00am: Rally at Bridge Plaza, SF side
11:00: March on eastern walkway, from SF or Marin, Converge in middle
Noon: Honoring Women Activists around the Globe, past & present, SF side
Contact: ratherbenyckeling@comcast.net

March 16 at 9:30 am. Reading and lecture: Cecile Pineda, 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature nominee and author of acclaimed Devil’s Tango: How I learned the Fukushima Step by Step, will speak about the consequences of the world’s most catastrophic industrial accident at the Breakfast Forum hosted by the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco, 1187 Franklin Street (at Geary). Contact: karenmmagoon@gmail.com

March 11, 7:30-9:35 pm, San Francisco and Los Angeles
3.11 Surviving Japan, a powerful film about the tsunami, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster's aftermath, will be shown at AMC Van Ness 14, 1000 Van Ness Ave., in SF, where the Director Christopher Noland will host a Q&A after, and at Laemmle's Royal Theatre, 11523 Santa Monica Blvd, in West Los Angeles, where the Producer Q'orianka Kilcher will host a Q&A (map) (310) 478-3836. Tickets must be purchased in advance, from the theaters here or from the director here.
March 11, at 12 noon: Please join us for a silent meditation and prayer, remembering Japan's victims of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, on the third anniversary of the meltdowns. Bring candles, good wishes and outdoor attire: we will convene in Civic Center Park and form a circle on the grass. We will speak a few words then sit silently for 20 minutes, then have a discussion. Later, after lunch, join us at the protest/letter reading at San Francisco's Japan Consulate at 3 pm. Contact: info@fukushimaresponsebayarea.org
Petaluma, CA
March 11, Ikebana Flower Arranging Ceremony for Fukushima -with Jini Reynolds
Lydia's Sunflower Center, 1435 North McDowell Blvd., Suite 100, Petaluma 94954
Please bring flowers and organic plant material to weave your intentions into a sacred vessel. For the 3rd anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. We will build a floating Ikebana boat in the Jiyuka style to carry our prayers to the heart of the one ocean we share with the victims, in Japan and the world - past, present, and future.2 pm Creation Begins
4:30 Poetry & Music
6:30 Sacred Fire
7:30 Ikebana vessel Leaves for the Coast
8:30 Ikebana is launched (from Salmon Creek Bridge) Contact: info@fukushimaresponse.org
Sunday, March 16th, 7PM at Lydia's Sunflower Center (1435 North McDowell Blvd. Suite 100 Petaluma, CA 94954) Pradeep Indulkar will screen and talk on his film "High Power", a documentary on anti-nukes movement in India.
Featured Speakers:
Muto Ruiko is a long-time antinuclear activist based in Fukushima. Since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 Muto has been involved in antinuclear activism. Muto’s faith in women and the style of movement that she has pursued seem to be deeply influenced by the course of the feminist movement since the 1970s. Some might find Muto’s trust in women’s strengths and their special bonds essentialist. There is no question that she cares about the extremely difficult situations confronting Fukushima mothers since the Fukushima Dai’ichi accident, but in her statements and activities, she is careful to honor the diverse situations and needs of women. Muto has devoted much of her time to securing the human rights and health of local residents and evacuees. She currently resides in Tamura-cho, Fukushima Prefecture, about 45 kilometers (28 miles) from the Daiichi plant.Mariko Komatsu was born and raised in Hiroshima up until her graduation from high school. She moved to Montreal then to Toronto and lived in Canada for 10 years as a student and school teacher. Having worked in Sierra Leone and various NGOs, Mariko is now back in Hiroshima and pursuing the ways to keep on the legacy of the past wars and many efforts of the citizens through Peace Education and hosting various open events where people meet and freely exchange their thoughts for peace. Project NOW! is currently her main focus where young artists and likes gather to chat and communicate their thoughts for peace and nuclear abolition in various art forms. Project NOW! has just published the art book titled “NOW”, calling to people “Switch on, Imagination”. Contact: courtney@georgiawand.org

March 16 at 9:30 am. Reading and lecture: Cecile Pineda, 2014 Neustadt International Prize for Literature nominee and author of acclaimed Devil’s Tango: How I learned the Fukushima Step by Step, will speak about the consequences of the world’s most catastrophic industrial accident at the Breakfast Forum hosted by the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco, 1187 Franklin Street (at Geary). Contact: karenmmagoon@gmail.com

March 11, 7:30-9:35 pm, San Francisco and Los Angeles
3.11 Surviving Japan, a powerful film about the tsunami, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster's aftermath, will be shown at AMC Van Ness 14, 1000 Van Ness Ave., in SF, where the Director Christopher Noland will host a Q&A after, and at Laemmle's Royal Theatre, 11523 Santa Monica Blvd, in West Los Angeles, where the Producer Q'orianka Kilcher will host a Q&A (map) (310) 478-3836. Tickets must be purchased in advance, from the theaters here or from the director here.
Berkeley, CA
![]() |
Let us shut down our internal nukes, until we shut down our external nukes |
Petaluma, CA

March 11, Ikebana Flower Arranging Ceremony for Fukushima -with Jini Reynolds
Lydia's Sunflower Center, 1435 North McDowell Blvd., Suite 100, Petaluma 94954
Please bring flowers and organic plant material to weave your intentions into a sacred vessel. For the 3rd anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. We will build a floating Ikebana boat in the Jiyuka style to carry our prayers to the heart of the one ocean we share with the victims, in Japan and the world - past, present, and future.2 pm Creation Begins
4:30 Poetry & Music
6:30 Sacred Fire
7:30 Ikebana vessel Leaves for the Coast
8:30 Ikebana is launched (from Salmon Creek Bridge) Contact: info@fukushimaresponse.org
Sunday, March 16th, 7PM at Lydia's Sunflower Center (1435 North McDowell Blvd. Suite 100 Petaluma, CA 94954) Pradeep Indulkar will screen and talk on his film "High Power", a documentary on anti-nukes movement in India.
Contact: info@fukushimaresponse.org

Film director Pradeep Indulkar is visiting the Bay Area between March 14th to March 18th with his film on anti-nuclear power movement in India, “High Power”. We will update screening schedule as well as his talk and media appearance (and synopsis) here:
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Due to travel plan changes, the first screening of Pradeep Indulkar’s High Power in Rockridge on March 13th is canceled. Here is the finalized schedule:
Friday, March 14th
7PM at El Qilombo (2313 San Pablo Ave, Oakland) $5-10 suggested donation to support the director!
Saturday, March 15th
7PM at Roble Hall Theater (374 Santa Teresa St. Stanford, CA 94305)(The event is free of charge and open to the public. Please ask your friends to RSVP to info@calaaonline.com)(Petaluma, March 16, see directly above). Contact: nonukesactioncommittee@gmail.com
Santa Cruz, CA
Updates soon.
Hayward, CA
3/1 EARMARC Commemoration Of 3rd Anniversary of Fukukushima "The disaster and its aftermath" will be held on Saturday March 1st in Robinson Hall Room 137 on the CSU-East Bay Hayward campus.
As March 11th will mark the third anniversary of the massive 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the morning session will be devoted to that disaster and its aftermath. Steve Zeltzer and his wife Kazumi, who produced "Fukushima, Never Again," a film on the fallout - both literal and figurative - from the explosions at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, will join us to discuss their film and the citizens' movement protesting the authorities' response to the disaster and campaigning against nuclear power. Broadcast journalist, film maker and blogger J. P. "Joe" Sottile, who has researched nuclear pollution issues for a documentary on the long-term effects of depleted uranium munitions, will also join in the discussion.
9:00-9:30 - Welcome/coffee and doughnuts.
9:30-10:30 "Japan's Killer Quake," PBS Nova documentary re: 2011 earthquake & tsunami.
10:30-10:40 -- discussion
10:40-11:00 - coffee break
11:00-11:55 - "Fukushima, Never Again" a Labor Video project documentary on the citizen response to the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
11:55-12:30 - discussion featuring special guests Steve and Kazumi Zeltzer, the film's producers, and J. P. Sottile.
12:30-1:30 - lunch break (if you would like to order a bento lunch, see below).
1:30-2:20 - "DNA Dreams: China's Genetic Research" - a film exploring the genome mapping efforts of BGI, a Chinese company, whose research raises many questions about the future implications of such research.
2:20-2:30 discussion & adjournment. Please RSVP by e-mail if you are planning to attend. とありますか。Bruce Reynolds <ereynold@email.sjsu.edu>;です。Bruceにメールを送ってください。
LUNCHES: If you would like to enjoy our customary bento lunch they can be ordered at cost of $10 per person. If you wish to order lunch (or lunches), please send a check made out to: E. Bruce Reynolds/ Department of History/San Jose State University/One Washington Square/San Jose, CA 95192-0117. Contact: yokosclark@yahoo.com
Laguna Beach, CA
Silent But Deadly: Chernobyl-Fukushima-San Onofre BC Space Gallery, 235 Forest Ave, Laguna Beach : Dates : Feb 25 - April 26, 2014
March 11, 8:30 pm: Jim Heddle and Mary Beth's new trailer for "Shutdown: The California - Fukushima Connection" will be shown at the Laguna Beach Art Gallery. There will be a community discussion with Mary Beth, Jim, Donna Gilmore, Laurie and Gary Headrick. Harvey Wasserman will also speak that night at the gallery! Contact: info@eon3.net
Santa Barbara → Diablo Canyon NPP
For the third anniversary of the ongoing Fukushima Disaster, Reverend Sawada and young Bay Area-based activists from Japan, Switzerland, Hawai'i will be walking from Santa Barbara to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in San Luis Obispo. We walk in solidarity with all people who are affected by the accident, nuclear testings, and global nuclear military industrial complex. This walk is supported by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, and No Nukes Action Committee.
The Bay Area activists will join Reverend Sawada from Vandenberg Air Force Base on March 7th. Daily progress report can be found here.We need your kind support in transportation and shelters for 4 walkers in the course of the following schedule:
3/7: The Bay Area crew arrives in either San Luis Obispo or Lompoc Amtrak station.
3/8 We walk from Vandenberg towards Guadalupe.
3/9 Stopping point day before to Arroyo Grande.
3/10 Arroyo Grande to SLO. (Alima might leave from SLO due to work)
3/11 Prayer/vigil at Diablo Canyon during the day. If we do not get permission to have PG&E, we will pray at the gates. 3/11 Evening event at the Steynberg Gallery in downtown San Luis Obispo at 6PM. We will show a movie on Hibakusha/ Fukushima.
"Four of us (Alima, Umi, Miriam, and Elia) are traveling from the Bay Area to join the Peace Walk in the middle. We are not going down all the way to Santa Barbara, but would like to walk between Vandenberg to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Reactor.
On March 7th, we would like to arrive Lompoc (or actually to SLO depending on how other coordinators are doing) and join Reverend Sawada and other folks.
We have our sleeping bags and basic needs, so we were hoping to depend on other organizers include: Sherry Lewis and Carole Hisasue of MfP, but apparently, it is hard to find volunteers who could host us.
Four of us do not need to stay together in a same household, and also we are able to sleep on the floor in a same room."
If you are interested in walking with us, or if you know of anybody who could volunteer to support the walkers by providing transportation or shelter, please contact Umi Hagitani of No Nukes Action Committee at 917-774-4079 or amnioticfluid@gmail.com
The walkers from the Bay Area will give a report back on May 3rd, 2013 at Berkeley (1125 University Ave. (at San Pablo) Berkeley, CA 94702). This potluck event will start from 2:30pm, including report back from activists who visited Fukushima and Taiwan. Details TBA at http://nonukesaction.wordpress.com/
Some walkers participated in the Bean Soup Literary Mural Project by the Precita Eyes in 2013 on 16th and 17th St. (between Alabama and Harrison St.) in San Francisco to commemorate now irradiated Pacific Ocean.
Reverend Sawada Gyosen is a Buddhist monk of the Nipponzan Myohoji sect, a small Nichiren Buddhist order that is known for being actively engaged worldwide in the peace movement. Its Peace Pagodas (Stupas) are in locations around the world and one of the main practices of the monks, nuns and followers is to conduct pilgrimages while chanting and beating hand drums. One of the most prominent of these pilgrimages was the Interfaith Pilgrimage for Peace and Life, a walk from Auschwitz to Hiroshima during 1994-1995. More recently, there was involvement in the American Indian Movement’s Long Walk, the 2010 Walk for a Nuclear Free Future and 2011 Sacred Sites Peace Walk for a Nuclear Free World (http://canuclearwalk.wordpress.com/blog/ )
Reverend Sawada was born and brought up in Fukushima Prefecture in Japan but has been residing in the U.S. since the 90’s, practicing at the Myohoji Dojo in Boulder, Colorado and Los Angeles, California. Because of his ties to Fukushima, he is also personally dedicated to the anti-nuclear cause and believes that “all things nuclear, from weapons to power generation have caused misery and suffering to humanity – we must end this cycle.” As a monk, his way is through prayer and he has participated in not only the larger walks but smaller, independent personal walks. In the summer of 2013, Reverend Sawada walked from the gates of Vandenburg Air Force Base to Diablo Canyon in the days leading up to the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and fasted in front of the Diablo Canyon gates in a 3 day vigil between Hiroshima Day and Nagasaki Day.
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Fukushima Third Anniversary Event
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace invites you to a Fukushima Third Anniversary Memorial Event on March 11th. This is the culmination of a week-long Peace Walk and Prayer Vigil led by Reverend Sawada Gyosen of the Nipponzan Myohoji order. Reverend Sawada and Umi Hagitani, an anti-nuclear activist with No Nukes Action Committee from the Bay Area will be speaking. We will also be showing the film "Women of Fukushima." The event is free and open to the public. Please come and be in solidarity with the activists who live only miles from California's only operating nuclear power plant.
Date and Time: March 11, 2014 7pm - 9pm
Location: Steynberg Gallery, 1531 Monterey Street, San Luis Obispo
For more information, please go to: mothersforpeace.org
1. Barbara Gaughen-Muller, President, United Nations Association / Santa Barbara & Tri Counties on the Fukushima nuclear power disaster and worldwide commemoration.
2. Sawada, Gyosen, a Buddhist monk from Japan, who will undertake a Fukushima Memorial Walk, departing from Santa Barbara on March 4 and arriving for a vigil at the Diablo Canyon reactors on March 11, the third anniversary of the Fukushima meltdown.
3. Dr. Jerry B. Brown, Director, Safe Energy Project, World Business Academy, who will release the results of the Academy’s Diablo Canyon Radiation-Health Report.
This Report provides dramatic confirmation that cancer rates increased and public health declined after the Diablo Canyon reactors opened in the mid-1980s; and that these negative health impacts were greater for people living closest to the reactors in San Luis Obispo County and in northern Santa Barbara County. If you have questions, please email events@worldbusiness.org
San Diego, CA
Fukushima Awareness - Friday, March 7, 12-4 pm, Belmont Park 3100 Mission Blvd.
We are rallying together to raise awareness about the terrible events in japan, to tell people so they can make informed decisions to protect themselves and their loved ones.Together we can warn people and save many lives. TELL EVERYONE TO COME.
We will meet at the Belmont park parking lot next to the roller coaster and walk up an down the boardwalk warning people. Please wear YELLOW & BLACK if possible and please bring banners, flyers, posters, etc. I will make extra posters for people without any. The more people we have, the greater the awareness we will spread. THANK YOU
Hosted by Jeff Pro 619-813-9994 https://m.facebook.com/events/1458938280986334
Los Angeles, CA
Co-presented by Japan America Society of Southern California, Nichi-Bei Fujin Kai, Nanka Fukushima Kenjinkai & Love to Nippon Project, Japanese American Cultural & Community Center,
Love to Nippon 2014 - Lessons Learned from the March 11 th Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Saturday, March 8, 2014 1:00–4:00 pm Interfaith Service & Prayers, Flower & Incense Offerings, Booths 3:00–5:00 pm Memorial Program
ProgramEmcees: Janet LeBlanc and Jennifer Usyak
Theme: The Third Anniversary of Japan’s Worst Natural Disaster & Lessons from Fukushima for Southern California to Share with Children and Families in our Community 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Outside (100 W 1st St.) Memorial Interfaith Service by Los Angeles Buddhist Temple Federation & Nikkei Interfaith Fellowship Group of Little Tokyo, Flower & Incense Offering: Fukushima Prefecture of Japan Booth, the Red Cross & other preparedness organizations including USCG. Offering: We encourage you to bring flowers only (incense will be provided).
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Inside (Ronald F. Deaton Civic Auditorium of LAPD HQ, 100 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA):Memorial Program Seating is limited. Early reservations are recommended, which can be made at: www.jas-socal.org
New York, NY
Mon, March 10, 4:30pm – 6:00pm NYC - UN CSW/Fukushima Event
Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Ave, New York, NY, Ballroom 1
To coincide with the 58th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.
Title: Global Health and Environment in the Post-2015
Agenda: Lessons from the Fukushima nuclear accident
RSVP: march10hrnny@gmail.com Open to public. Admission is free. No UN pass required.
A human rights expert from Japan, an environmental and women’s activist from Europe, and a physician/health expert on radiation and nuclear related issues from the U.S. will speak about how to protect environment and health of women and girls from radiation exposure, and the importance of implementing lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident in a discussion on global health and environment as part of the Post-2015 Agenda. Q&A session will follow the presentations.
Confirmed speakers:
Dr. Andrew S. Kanter, MD, MPH, Past President of the Board of Directors of Physicians for Social Responsibility US, has studied radioactive plume projections from nuclear reactor accident scenarios and other public health impacts of nuclear radiation dispersion. He is the director of Health Information Systems/Medical Informatics for the Millennium Villages Project for the Earth Institute at Columbia University as well as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Biomedical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology at the Earth Institute, Columbia University. He will discuss on the PSR/IPPNW critique of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) report on Fukushima (www.psr.org/assets/pdfs/critique-of-unscear-fukushima.pdf) as well as radiation related health issues.
Ms. Sascha Gabizon, Executive Director of Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), an international network of over 100 women’s, environmental and health organisations implementing projects in 40 countries and advocating globally for a healthy environment for all.
Kazuko Ito, Esq., human rights expert and Secretary General of Human Rights Now (HRN), a Japan based international human rights NGO with ECOSOC status. She also serves as a regional advisor (Asia Pacific) to the UN Women, and chief of the Gender Equality Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations. As a part of the HRN activity, she recently participated in fact-finding missions to Fukushima in December 2013 and February 2014. She played an important role in coordinating meetings of Anand Grover (UN Special Rapporteur on right to health) with Japanese civil societies and evacuees affected by the Fukushima nuclear accident, during Mr. Grover's visit to Japan in 2012.
Co-organized by Human Rights Now, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Women in Europe for a Common Future
Peekskill, NY
Stony Point Convergence Commemorates FUKUSHIMA The Unfolding Disaster
Sunday, March 9, 2014
11 AM Peace Walkers leave Croton on Hudson to walk to Indian Point and then on to Peekskill Riverfront Green led by Jun San Yasuda from the Grafton Peace Pagoda
3 PM Arrive at Riverfront Green for a Blessing of the Waters of the Hudson and of the World, an interfaith ceremony
4 PM Potluck and program with the Peace Walkers and others
Wednesday, March 11
2 PM Jun San will vigil silently in front of Entergy headquarters in White Plains
4 PM Others will join her with signs and handouts
5 PM Press conference and greeting of Entergy employees as they leave work. For details, contact: ipsec2009@gmail.com or call 1-888-474-8848
NY State
Here's an FB page with all the 3.11 actions related to Indian Point NPP, and the Peace Walk, taking place all over NY State, some in NJ; a truly astounding wealth of events. It's too long to reproduce here, and I don't want this list to become too "New York-heavy." Also calendared here. Until I find the fortitude to parse it carefully for which events to add to this list, take a look.
Baltimore, MD
Tuesday, Mar. 11, at 33rd & North Charles St. there will be a commemoration of Fukushima nuclear accident from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. The Crabshell Alliance hosts. Call Max at 410-366-1637.
Atlanta, GA
241 Ralph McGill Boulevard. Atlanta, GA 30308
We will tie Fukushima lessons to reactor construction and financing in Georgia on this visible downtown intersection during rush hour.
Details subject to change. Contact: atom.girl@nonukesyall.org
March 11, 2014, 7 PM: Nuclear Watch South coordinator Glenn Carroll presents to the Atlanta Sierra Club monthly meeting at Episcopal Church of the Epiphany
2089 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30307. Contact: atom.girl@nonukesyall.org
Women and Power from Fukushima to GeorgiaTuesday, March 11, 6:30 pm doors open ~ 7:00 pm program
Georgia WAND and Hillside International Truth Center invite you to join us as we celebrate Women's History Month and commemorate the third anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster at this inspiring event; Women and Power from Fukushima to Georgia: Sharing stories, solidarity and strategy,
Hillside International Truth Center, 2450 Cascade Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30311
Featuring a Live video conference with Japanese women leaders, stories from Georgia WAND leaders from the Shell Bluff Community, remarks by the Reverend Richard Bright and more!

Film director Pradeep Indulkar is visiting the Bay Area between March 14th to March 18th with his film on anti-nuclear power movement in India, “High Power”. We will update screening schedule as well as his talk and media appearance (and synopsis) here:
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Due to travel plan changes, the first screening of Pradeep Indulkar’s High Power in Rockridge on March 13th is canceled. Here is the finalized schedule:
Friday, March 14th
7PM at El Qilombo (2313 San Pablo Ave, Oakland) $5-10 suggested donation to support the director!
Saturday, March 15th
7PM at Roble Hall Theater (374 Santa Teresa St. Stanford, CA 94305)(The event is free of charge and open to the public. Please ask your friends to RSVP to info@calaaonline.com)(Petaluma, March 16, see directly above). Contact: nonukesactioncommittee@gmail.com

Updates soon.
Hayward, CA
3/1 EARMARC Commemoration Of 3rd Anniversary of Fukukushima "The disaster and its aftermath" will be held on Saturday March 1st in Robinson Hall Room 137 on the CSU-East Bay Hayward campus.
As March 11th will mark the third anniversary of the massive 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the morning session will be devoted to that disaster and its aftermath. Steve Zeltzer and his wife Kazumi, who produced "Fukushima, Never Again," a film on the fallout - both literal and figurative - from the explosions at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, will join us to discuss their film and the citizens' movement protesting the authorities' response to the disaster and campaigning against nuclear power. Broadcast journalist, film maker and blogger J. P. "Joe" Sottile, who has researched nuclear pollution issues for a documentary on the long-term effects of depleted uranium munitions, will also join in the discussion.
9:00-9:30 - Welcome/coffee and doughnuts.
9:30-10:30 "Japan's Killer Quake," PBS Nova documentary re: 2011 earthquake & tsunami.
10:30-10:40 -- discussion
10:40-11:00 - coffee break
11:00-11:55 - "Fukushima, Never Again" a Labor Video project documentary on the citizen response to the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
11:55-12:30 - discussion featuring special guests Steve and Kazumi Zeltzer, the film's producers, and J. P. Sottile.
12:30-1:30 - lunch break (if you would like to order a bento lunch, see below).
1:30-2:20 - "DNA Dreams: China's Genetic Research" - a film exploring the genome mapping efforts of BGI, a Chinese company, whose research raises many questions about the future implications of such research.
2:20-2:30 discussion & adjournment. Please RSVP by e-mail if you are planning to attend. とありますか。Bruce Reynolds <ereynold@email.sjsu.edu>;です。Bruceにメールを送ってください。
LUNCHES: If you would like to enjoy our customary bento lunch they can be ordered at cost of $10 per person. If you wish to order lunch (or lunches), please send a check made out to: E. Bruce Reynolds/ Department of History/San Jose State University/One Washington Square/San Jose, CA 95192-0117. Contact: yokosclark@yahoo.com
Laguna Beach, CA
Silent But Deadly: Chernobyl-Fukushima-San Onofre BC Space Gallery, 235 Forest Ave, Laguna Beach : Dates : Feb 25 - April 26, 2014
Artist’s Reception : Thursday Feb 27 : 7 pm
FEATURING : James Lerager : Jun Hori : Kei Kobayashi
ADDITIONAL WORK BY : Ed Heckerman : Ron Azevedo
Film Screening : March 11 : Metamorphosis by Jun Hori : 7 pm
(3rd Anniversary of the 2011 Earthquake & Tsunami)
Click on title link for more information; looks good! (Ed.)
Contact: bcspace@mol.net 949-497-1880
March 11, 8:30 pm: Jim Heddle and Mary Beth's new trailer for "Shutdown: The California - Fukushima Connection" will be shown at the Laguna Beach Art Gallery. There will be a community discussion with Mary Beth, Jim, Donna Gilmore, Laurie and Gary Headrick. Harvey Wasserman will also speak that night at the gallery! Contact: info@eon3.net

For the third anniversary of the ongoing Fukushima Disaster, Reverend Sawada and young Bay Area-based activists from Japan, Switzerland, Hawai'i will be walking from Santa Barbara to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in San Luis Obispo. We walk in solidarity with all people who are affected by the accident, nuclear testings, and global nuclear military industrial complex. This walk is supported by San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, and No Nukes Action Committee.
The Bay Area activists will join Reverend Sawada from Vandenberg Air Force Base on March 7th. Daily progress report can be found here.We need your kind support in transportation and shelters for 4 walkers in the course of the following schedule:
3/7: The Bay Area crew arrives in either San Luis Obispo or Lompoc Amtrak station.
3/8 We walk from Vandenberg towards Guadalupe.
3/9 Stopping point day before to Arroyo Grande.
3/10 Arroyo Grande to SLO. (Alima might leave from SLO due to work)
3/11 Prayer/vigil at Diablo Canyon during the day. If we do not get permission to have PG&E, we will pray at the gates. 3/11 Evening event at the Steynberg Gallery in downtown San Luis Obispo at 6PM. We will show a movie on Hibakusha/ Fukushima.
"Four of us (Alima, Umi, Miriam, and Elia) are traveling from the Bay Area to join the Peace Walk in the middle. We are not going down all the way to Santa Barbara, but would like to walk between Vandenberg to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Reactor.
On March 7th, we would like to arrive Lompoc (or actually to SLO depending on how other coordinators are doing) and join Reverend Sawada and other folks.
We have our sleeping bags and basic needs, so we were hoping to depend on other organizers include: Sherry Lewis and Carole Hisasue of MfP, but apparently, it is hard to find volunteers who could host us.
Four of us do not need to stay together in a same household, and also we are able to sleep on the floor in a same room."
If you are interested in walking with us, or if you know of anybody who could volunteer to support the walkers by providing transportation or shelter, please contact Umi Hagitani of No Nukes Action Committee at 917-774-4079 or amnioticfluid@gmail.com
The walkers from the Bay Area will give a report back on May 3rd, 2013 at Berkeley (1125 University Ave. (at San Pablo) Berkeley, CA 94702). This potluck event will start from 2:30pm, including report back from activists who visited Fukushima and Taiwan. Details TBA at http://nonukesaction.wordpress.com/
Some walkers participated in the Bean Soup Literary Mural Project by the Precita Eyes in 2013 on 16th and 17th St. (between Alabama and Harrison St.) in San Francisco to commemorate now irradiated Pacific Ocean.
Reverend Sawada Gyosen is a Buddhist monk of the Nipponzan Myohoji sect, a small Nichiren Buddhist order that is known for being actively engaged worldwide in the peace movement. Its Peace Pagodas (Stupas) are in locations around the world and one of the main practices of the monks, nuns and followers is to conduct pilgrimages while chanting and beating hand drums. One of the most prominent of these pilgrimages was the Interfaith Pilgrimage for Peace and Life, a walk from Auschwitz to Hiroshima during 1994-1995. More recently, there was involvement in the American Indian Movement’s Long Walk, the 2010 Walk for a Nuclear Free Future and 2011 Sacred Sites Peace Walk for a Nuclear Free World (http://canuclearwalk.wordpress.com/blog/ )
Reverend Sawada was born and brought up in Fukushima Prefecture in Japan but has been residing in the U.S. since the 90’s, practicing at the Myohoji Dojo in Boulder, Colorado and Los Angeles, California. Because of his ties to Fukushima, he is also personally dedicated to the anti-nuclear cause and believes that “all things nuclear, from weapons to power generation have caused misery and suffering to humanity – we must end this cycle.” As a monk, his way is through prayer and he has participated in not only the larger walks but smaller, independent personal walks. In the summer of 2013, Reverend Sawada walked from the gates of Vandenburg Air Force Base to Diablo Canyon in the days leading up to the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and fasted in front of the Diablo Canyon gates in a 3 day vigil between Hiroshima Day and Nagasaki Day.
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Fukushima Third Anniversary Event
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace invites you to a Fukushima Third Anniversary Memorial Event on March 11th. This is the culmination of a week-long Peace Walk and Prayer Vigil led by Reverend Sawada Gyosen of the Nipponzan Myohoji order. Reverend Sawada and Umi Hagitani, an anti-nuclear activist with No Nukes Action Committee from the Bay Area will be speaking. We will also be showing the film "Women of Fukushima." The event is free and open to the public. Please come and be in solidarity with the activists who live only miles from California's only operating nuclear power plant.
Date and Time: March 11, 2014 7pm - 9pm
Location: Steynberg Gallery, 1531 Monterey Street, San Luis Obispo
For more information, please go to: mothersforpeace.org
* * *
March 3, 5:30-7:30 pm, you are cordially invited to attend the Third Anniversary Fukushima Commemoration, co-hosted by the World Business Academy and the United Nations Association / Santa Barbara & Tri-Counties Chapter. University Club of Santa Barbara, 1332 Santa Barbara St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Free and open to the public! Complementary wine & beverages, and crudité & cheese platters. Cash bar available.Speakers:
1. Barbara Gaughen-Muller, President, United Nations Association / Santa Barbara & Tri Counties on the Fukushima nuclear power disaster and worldwide commemoration.
2. Sawada, Gyosen, a Buddhist monk from Japan, who will undertake a Fukushima Memorial Walk, departing from Santa Barbara on March 4 and arriving for a vigil at the Diablo Canyon reactors on March 11, the third anniversary of the Fukushima meltdown.
3. Dr. Jerry B. Brown, Director, Safe Energy Project, World Business Academy, who will release the results of the Academy’s Diablo Canyon Radiation-Health Report.
This Report provides dramatic confirmation that cancer rates increased and public health declined after the Diablo Canyon reactors opened in the mid-1980s; and that these negative health impacts were greater for people living closest to the reactors in San Luis Obispo County and in northern Santa Barbara County. If you have questions, please email events@worldbusiness.org
San Diego, CA
Fukushima Awareness - Friday, March 7, 12-4 pm, Belmont Park 3100 Mission Blvd.
We are rallying together to raise awareness about the terrible events in japan, to tell people so they can make informed decisions to protect themselves and their loved ones.Together we can warn people and save many lives. TELL EVERYONE TO COME.
We will meet at the Belmont park parking lot next to the roller coaster and walk up an down the boardwalk warning people. Please wear YELLOW & BLACK if possible and please bring banners, flyers, posters, etc. I will make extra posters for people without any. The more people we have, the greater the awareness we will spread. THANK YOU
Hosted by Jeff Pro 619-813-9994 https://m.facebook.com/events/1458938280986334
Co-presented by Japan America Society of Southern California, Nichi-Bei Fujin Kai, Nanka Fukushima Kenjinkai & Love to Nippon Project, Japanese American Cultural & Community Center,
Love to Nippon 2014 - Lessons Learned from the March 11 th Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Saturday, March 8, 2014 1:00–4:00 pm Interfaith Service & Prayers, Flower & Incense Offerings, Booths 3:00–5:00 pm Memorial Program
ProgramEmcees: Janet LeBlanc and Jennifer Usyak
Theme: The Third Anniversary of Japan’s Worst Natural Disaster & Lessons from Fukushima for Southern California to Share with Children and Families in our Community 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Outside (100 W 1st St.) Memorial Interfaith Service by Los Angeles Buddhist Temple Federation & Nikkei Interfaith Fellowship Group of Little Tokyo, Flower & Incense Offering: Fukushima Prefecture of Japan Booth, the Red Cross & other preparedness organizations including USCG. Offering: We encourage you to bring flowers only (incense will be provided).
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Inside (Ronald F. Deaton Civic Auditorium of LAPD HQ, 100 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA):Memorial Program Seating is limited. Early reservations are recommended, which can be made at: www.jas-socal.org
New York, NY
Mon, March 10, 4:30pm – 6:00pm NYC - UN CSW/Fukushima Event
Armenian Convention Center, 630 2nd Ave, New York, NY, Ballroom 1
To coincide with the 58th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.
Title: Global Health and Environment in the Post-2015
Agenda: Lessons from the Fukushima nuclear accident
RSVP: march10hrnny@gmail.com Open to public. Admission is free. No UN pass required.
A human rights expert from Japan, an environmental and women’s activist from Europe, and a physician/health expert on radiation and nuclear related issues from the U.S. will speak about how to protect environment and health of women and girls from radiation exposure, and the importance of implementing lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident in a discussion on global health and environment as part of the Post-2015 Agenda. Q&A session will follow the presentations.
Confirmed speakers:
Dr. Andrew S. Kanter, MD, MPH, Past President of the Board of Directors of Physicians for Social Responsibility US, has studied radioactive plume projections from nuclear reactor accident scenarios and other public health impacts of nuclear radiation dispersion. He is the director of Health Information Systems/Medical Informatics for the Millennium Villages Project for the Earth Institute at Columbia University as well as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Biomedical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology at the Earth Institute, Columbia University. He will discuss on the PSR/IPPNW critique of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) report on Fukushima (www.psr.org/assets/pdfs/critique-of-unscear-fukushima.pdf) as well as radiation related health issues.
Kazuko Ito, Esq., human rights expert and Secretary General of Human Rights Now (HRN), a Japan based international human rights NGO with ECOSOC status. She also serves as a regional advisor (Asia Pacific) to the UN Women, and chief of the Gender Equality Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations. As a part of the HRN activity, she recently participated in fact-finding missions to Fukushima in December 2013 and February 2014. She played an important role in coordinating meetings of Anand Grover (UN Special Rapporteur on right to health) with Japanese civil societies and evacuees affected by the Fukushima nuclear accident, during Mr. Grover's visit to Japan in 2012.
Co-organized by Human Rights Now, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Women in Europe for a Common Future
Peekskill, NY

Stony Point Convergence Commemorates FUKUSHIMA The Unfolding Disaster
Sunday, March 9, 2014
11 AM Peace Walkers leave Croton on Hudson to walk to Indian Point and then on to Peekskill Riverfront Green led by Jun San Yasuda from the Grafton Peace Pagoda
3 PM Arrive at Riverfront Green for a Blessing of the Waters of the Hudson and of the World, an interfaith ceremony
4 PM Potluck and program with the Peace Walkers and others
Wednesday, March 11
2 PM Jun San will vigil silently in front of Entergy headquarters in White Plains
4 PM Others will join her with signs and handouts
NY State
Here's an FB page with all the 3.11 actions related to Indian Point NPP, and the Peace Walk, taking place all over NY State, some in NJ; a truly astounding wealth of events. It's too long to reproduce here, and I don't want this list to become too "New York-heavy." Also calendared here. Until I find the fortitude to parse it carefully for which events to add to this list, take a look.
Baltimore, MD
Tuesday, Mar. 11, at 33rd & North Charles St. there will be a commemoration of Fukushima nuclear accident from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. The Crabshell Alliance hosts. Call Max at 410-366-1637.
Atlanta, GA

241 Ralph McGill Boulevard. Atlanta, GA 30308
We will tie Fukushima lessons to reactor construction and financing in Georgia on this visible downtown intersection during rush hour.
Details subject to change. Contact: atom.girl@nonukesyall.org
March 11, 2014, 7 PM: Nuclear Watch South coordinator Glenn Carroll presents to the Atlanta Sierra Club monthly meeting at Episcopal Church of the Epiphany
2089 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30307. Contact: atom.girl@nonukesyall.org
Women and Power from Fukushima to GeorgiaTuesday, March 11, 6:30 pm doors open ~ 7:00 pm program
Georgia WAND and Hillside International Truth Center invite you to join us as we celebrate Women's History Month and commemorate the third anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster at this inspiring event; Women and Power from Fukushima to Georgia: Sharing stories, solidarity and strategy,
Hillside International Truth Center, 2450 Cascade Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30311
Featuring a Live video conference with Japanese women leaders, stories from Georgia WAND leaders from the Shell Bluff Community, remarks by the Reverend Richard Bright and more!
Featured Speakers:
Muto Ruiko is a long-time antinuclear activist based in Fukushima. Since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 Muto has been involved in antinuclear activism. Muto’s faith in women and the style of movement that she has pursued seem to be deeply influenced by the course of the feminist movement since the 1970s. Some might find Muto’s trust in women’s strengths and their special bonds essentialist. There is no question that she cares about the extremely difficult situations confronting Fukushima mothers since the Fukushima Dai’ichi accident, but in her statements and activities, she is careful to honor the diverse situations and needs of women. Muto has devoted much of her time to securing the human rights and health of local residents and evacuees. She currently resides in Tamura-cho, Fukushima Prefecture, about 45 kilometers (28 miles) from the Daiichi plant.Mariko Komatsu was born and raised in Hiroshima up until her graduation from high school. She moved to Montreal then to Toronto and lived in Canada for 10 years as a student and school teacher. Having worked in Sierra Leone and various NGOs, Mariko is now back in Hiroshima and pursuing the ways to keep on the legacy of the past wars and many efforts of the citizens through Peace Education and hosting various open events where people meet and freely exchange their thoughts for peace. Project NOW! is currently her main focus where young artists and likes gather to chat and communicate their thoughts for peace and nuclear abolition in various art forms. Project NOW! has just published the art book titled “NOW”, calling to people “Switch on, Imagination”. Contact: courtney@georgiawand.org
Richmond, VA
March 11, from 12-2 pm, there will be a protest and a commemoration of the 3rd year of the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima; at Dominion Power, 701 E. Cary St, 23219 (map).
Tucson, AZ
Sunday, March 9, 2014 A Presentation: “Hiroshima to Fukushima: What You Need To Know About Ionizing Radiation, Women, Indigenous Peoples and You!”
Anti-Nuclear Activist Catherine (Wind) Euler, Ph.D. (History)
3:00 to 5:00 PM Friends’ Meeting House – 931 N 5th Ave
Also on March 9, for International Women’s Day:
Outdoor women’s prayer and drumming circle for the Pacific Ocean
5:30 pm, Catalina Park Ramada – Fifth Ave./Second St. Call Wind Euler, 928-899-2267 or mamabearsbrigade@gmail.com
March 11, 6:30 pm: REMEMBER 3-11-11 THIRD ANNIVERSARY produced by Occupy Hilo
Meet at the Tsunami Memorial next to the Art Center in Wailoa State Park, Hilo
We will acknowledge the complicated relationship between mankind and the power of nature that resulted in 18,000+ deaths and the worst industrial accident in the history of mankind, which will impact Japan, the Pacific, and the Planet for generations. We will Talk Story, hopefully play music and have a floating lantern ceremony. Contact: shaw.geoff5@gmail.com or call 808-238-0842
Vancouver, BC
The Vancouver 3.11 event has been moved forward to June 2014; see it here.
Nanaimo, BC
Covert Poverts Perform "Reactors" in the Underpass
March 11, 2014, at 1:00 pm, Pearson Bridge underpass, Nanaimo, BC (access via Maffeo Sutton Park downtown on the waterfront). Contact: Kim Goldberg goldberg@ncf.ca
WEBSITE: http://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2014/03/01/fukushima-anniversary-covert-poverts-perform-reactors/
Join Nanaimo poets Kim Goldberg, Darryl Knowles, and Kim Clark (the Covert Poverts) for a polyphonic performance in which the trio will create a poetic representation of the chaos and unbridled energy of nuclear reactors running amok. The trio will perform two linked pieces, “Reactor One” and “Reactor Two”. An open mic will follow for audience members to share their own Fukushima-inspired poetry. Pearson Bridge is at Nanaimo’s Millstone River, home to a salmon run each fall. Pacific salmon, along with the rest of the marine ecosystem, are now at risk of radioactive contamination because of the Fukushima disaster.
Montreal, QC
Event of the 3rd anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster/福島原発災害から3年のイベント
日時:3月15日(土) 16:00〜19:00/Time: Saturday. March 15th from 16:00 to 19:00
場所:マギル大学 マクドナルドビル
MacDonald Engineering #267, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec/enter from McConnell Engineering Bldg. on University Street (corner of Milton)
ベビーシッターいます。 別室に冷蔵庫やシンクがあるベビーシッターが必要な幼児や、授乳用スペースあります。/Baby sitter on site. The program might change.
4:00 Introduction
4:15 Documentary "Women of Fukushima" (with English subtitles) 30 minutes
4:50 Documentary "Fukushima Never Again" 57 minutes
6:00- 6:15 break with refreshment
6:15 short presentation
6:45 Speeches by guest speakers, Q&A. Contact: kizunamontreal@gmail.com
Brisbane, AU
Commemorating Fukushima 3rd Year Anniversary - Peace Walk & Peace Gathering.
The Peace Pagoda Southbank, 9:30 am Tuesday, March 11, 2014
PACE: Peace, Anti-nuclear and Clean Energy Collective. Contact: kim.stewart@foe.org.au

Sydney, AU
Remembering Fukushima- 3 years on, 2014 Events
March 9th, 3-6 pm, Dougherty Community Centre, 7 Victor Street,
Chatswood, NSW (near Chatswood station)
1 minute's silence for victims
Guest Speaker - TBA
Film Screening: 3.11 Surviving Japan
Contact : 311helpjapansydney@gmail.com
Entrance fee: $10 suggested Donation for adults/waged
Supported by Friends of the Earth Australia, Uranium Free New South Wales, 311 Campaign For Nuclear Free
March 11th - Action and Event5 - 6 pm A vigil with candles and folded paper cranes in Martin Place, Sydney 6.30 - 7.30 pm -followed by a photo action outside New South Wales Parliament, 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney
Melbourne, AU
On this day 3 years ago the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe occurred (began? -Ed.).
The huge radiation is spreading globally. The highly dangerous radiation is spreading everywhere through the air that we breathe and the world's oceans. Fukushima is a catastrophe for the whole world, not just Japan.
Join us in Melbourne on this global day of action. People from around the world will be holding vigils and protests on this day
March 11, from 12-2 pm, there will be a protest and a commemoration of the 3rd year of the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima; at Dominion Power, 701 E. Cary St, 23219 (map).
Tucson, AZ

Sunday, March 9, 2014 A Presentation: “Hiroshima to Fukushima: What You Need To Know About Ionizing Radiation, Women, Indigenous Peoples and You!”
Anti-Nuclear Activist Catherine (Wind) Euler, Ph.D. (History)
3:00 to 5:00 PM Friends’ Meeting House – 931 N 5th Ave
Also on March 9, for International Women’s Day:
Outdoor women’s prayer and drumming circle for the Pacific Ocean
5:30 pm, Catalina Park Ramada – Fifth Ave./Second St. Call Wind Euler, 928-899-2267 or mamabearsbrigade@gmail.com
March 11, 6:30 pm: REMEMBER 3-11-11 THIRD ANNIVERSARY produced by Occupy Hilo
Meet at the Tsunami Memorial next to the Art Center in Wailoa State Park, Hilo
We will acknowledge the complicated relationship between mankind and the power of nature that resulted in 18,000+ deaths and the worst industrial accident in the history of mankind, which will impact Japan, the Pacific, and the Planet for generations. We will Talk Story, hopefully play music and have a floating lantern ceremony. Contact: shaw.geoff5@gmail.com or call 808-238-0842
Vancouver, BC
The Vancouver 3.11 event has been moved forward to June 2014; see it here.
Nanaimo, BC
Covert Poverts Perform "Reactors" in the Underpass
March 11, 2014, at 1:00 pm, Pearson Bridge underpass, Nanaimo, BC (access via Maffeo Sutton Park downtown on the waterfront). Contact: Kim Goldberg goldberg@ncf.ca
WEBSITE: http://pigsquash.wordpress.com/2014/03/01/fukushima-anniversary-covert-poverts-perform-reactors/
Join Nanaimo poets Kim Goldberg, Darryl Knowles, and Kim Clark (the Covert Poverts) for a polyphonic performance in which the trio will create a poetic representation of the chaos and unbridled energy of nuclear reactors running amok. The trio will perform two linked pieces, “Reactor One” and “Reactor Two”. An open mic will follow for audience members to share their own Fukushima-inspired poetry. Pearson Bridge is at Nanaimo’s Millstone River, home to a salmon run each fall. Pacific salmon, along with the rest of the marine ecosystem, are now at risk of radioactive contamination because of the Fukushima disaster.
Montreal, QC

Event of the 3rd anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster/福島原発災害から3年のイベント
日時:3月15日(土) 16:00〜19:00/Time: Saturday. March 15th from 16:00 to 19:00
場所:マギル大学 マクドナルドビル
MacDonald Engineering #267, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec/enter from McConnell Engineering Bldg. on University Street (corner of Milton)
ベビーシッターいます。 別室に冷蔵庫やシンクがあるベビーシッターが必要な幼児や、授乳用スペースあります。/Baby sitter on site. The program might change.
4:00 Introduction
4:15 Documentary "Women of Fukushima" (with English subtitles) 30 minutes
4:50 Documentary "Fukushima Never Again" 57 minutes
6:00- 6:15 break with refreshment
6:15 short presentation
6:45 Speeches by guest speakers, Q&A. Contact: kizunamontreal@gmail.com

Commemorating Fukushima 3rd Year Anniversary - Peace Walk & Peace Gathering.
The Peace Pagoda Southbank, 9:30 am Tuesday, March 11, 2014
PACE: Peace, Anti-nuclear and Clean Energy Collective. Contact: kim.stewart@foe.org.au

Sydney, AU
March 9th, 3-6 pm, Dougherty Community Centre, 7 Victor Street,
Chatswood, NSW (near Chatswood station)
1 minute's silence for victims
Guest Speaker - TBA
Film Screening: 3.11 Surviving Japan
Contact : 311helpjapansydney@gmail.com
Entrance fee: $10 suggested Donation for adults/waged
Supported by Friends of the Earth Australia, Uranium Free New South Wales, 311 Campaign For Nuclear Free
March 11th - Action and Event5 - 6 pm A vigil with candles and folded paper cranes in Martin Place, Sydney 6.30 - 7.30 pm -followed by a photo action outside New South Wales Parliament, 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney
Melbourne, AU
Tuesday, March 11th, 5 pm, GPO Bourke Street, Bourke Street Mall, Melbourne, Victoria, AU.
Tuesday, March 11th, 5 pm, GPO Bourke Street, Bourke Street Mall, Melbourne, Victoria, AU.
The huge radiation is spreading globally. The highly dangerous radiation is spreading everywhere through the air that we breathe and the world's oceans. Fukushima is a catastrophe for the whole world, not just Japan.
Join us in Melbourne on this global day of action. People from around the world will be holding vigils and protests on this day
Perth, AU
Organized by Occupy Perth
Calendar: uraniumfreewa@gmail.com
Created by occupyperth@gmail.com
Come down for a photo shoot in solidarity with those communities affected by the Fukushima disaster and those communities who want a nuclear free future. https://www.facebook.com/events/219688978225886/
Calendar: uraniumfreewa@gmail.com
Created by occupyperth@gmail.com
Come down for a photo shoot in solidarity with those communities affected by the Fukushima disaster and those communities who want a nuclear free future. https://www.facebook.com/events/219688978225886/

Rhine River, DE, FR
Anti-nuclear activists from all countries: Unite
On Sunday 9 March 2014, Europe will remember what, according to those responsible, could never have happened. This year the focus of our protest will be on the Upper Rhine Valley and in particular on symbolic places such as Fessenheim and Strasbourg.
At 2 p.m. our common outcry shall shake up Europe once more: SWITCH OFF!
The following is a list of various actions that the respective organizations will undertake on their own. Taking part is explicitly permitted and desired. Whoever wants to be actively involved can find the contact details on this website. Or simply take to the streets or get on the bridges on 9 March 2014 and demonstrate peacefully against nuclear power.
List of bridges across the Rhine
1 Bridge Huningue - Weil am Rhein (GPS 47.591556,7.589933) = Passerelle des Trois Pays
Planned Action: 14:00 Human Chain
2 Bridge Fessenheim - Hart home: Rhine Channel (GPS 47.914717,7.570632)
Planned Action: Protest 14:00 - 15:30 Final Protest
3 Bridge Vogelgrun - Breisach (GPS 48.022647,7.581757) = Rhine bridge
Planned Action: Warm Up 11:00 / 14:00 Human Chain
4 Bridge Marckolsheim - Sasbach (GPS 48.153876,7.599277)
Planned Action: 14:00 Human Chain
5 Bridge Gerstheim - Nonnenweier (GPS 48.366785,7.734869)
Planned Action: 14:00 Human Chain
6 Bridge Illkirch-Graffenstaden - Offenburg (GPS 48.491383,7.769941) = Pflimlin Bridge
Planned Action: Human Chain
7 Bridge Strasbourg - Kehl (GPS 48.573697,7.801816) = Europa Bridge
He'll be joining the Fessenheim bridge event and other actions in France this month.
Sitemap/links to organizers for all actions: http://fukushima3.eu/index.php?id=37&L=4
Also, from France (mostly in English, with map) http://chainehumaine.fr/le-9-3-2014-chaine-humaineactions-sur-les-ponts-du-rhin-entre-strasbourg-et-bale/?lang=en

Bruxelles, BE
Sunday, March 9, at 2 pm there will be a demonstration to shut down Tihange and Doel nuclear power stations at Gare du Bruxelles-Nord (map). Contact: http://stop-tihange.org

VIGIL Tuesday March 11, from 6-8 pm opposite JAPANESE EMBASSY,
101-104 Piccadilly, London W1J 7JT Candle-Lit Vigil in support of families and people of all ages continuing to suffer the effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Burnley, UK
Fukushima Commemoration 11:30am, 11th March,
Burnley College, Princess Way, Burnley, BB12 0AN
Join East Lancashire CND for a commemoration of the on-going disaster at Fukushima. They'll be available for chat at their stall outside Burnley College. For all questions contact
Joan E. West: joanewest@sky.com
Lancaster, UK
On the third anniversary of the nuclear incident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, all concerned people are invited to join a one-hour vigil on Saturday, 8 March at Heysham Nuclear Power Station to say: 'No more Fukushimas; No more nuclear waste; No nuclear weapons!' Participants will meet 10am for a briefing and refreshments at the Lancaster Quaker Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TX. The vigil at Heysham, nearby, starts at noon. Contact: Mo Kelly, Lancaster Quakers, 01524 389911
FRANCE, Various Locations
50 Days of Actions "From Fukushima to Chernobyl; Stop Nuclear Before the Catastrophe!"
You're may have to use your Google translate on this one, there's too many separate pages for events. Ca va! Look here: http://www.sortirdunucleaire.org/Actions,11
If you have questions, ask Méisande Seyzériat : mobilisations@sortirdunucleaire.fr
ESPANA, awaiting translation:
Cuenca, ES
Platforma Contra al Cementerio Nuclear en Cuenca
We join the international call ... Occupy 'atomic' bridges worldwide
Sunday, March 9, 2014, at 12:00 pm, on the following bridges:
1. Puente de San Pablo (Capital Cuenca)
2. Bridge over the river in Záncara CM-3110 road Pedroñeras La Alberca
3. Bridge over the A-3 next CDTE Tarancón
April. Viaduct over the A-3. Zafra out of Záncara
May. Viaduct over the A-3. Departs at Belinchon
6. Viaduct over the A-3. Departs at Watchtower Cañavate
Contact: contraelcementerionuclear@gmail.com
Click to enlarge; details coming soon.

Rhine River, DE, FR
Anti-nuclear activists from all countries: Unite
On Sunday 9 March 2014, Europe will remember what, according to those responsible, could never have happened. This year the focus of our protest will be on the Upper Rhine Valley and in particular on symbolic places such as Fessenheim and Strasbourg.
At 2 p.m. our common outcry shall shake up Europe once more: SWITCH OFF!
The following is a list of various actions that the respective organizations will undertake on their own. Taking part is explicitly permitted and desired. Whoever wants to be actively involved can find the contact details on this website. Or simply take to the streets or get on the bridges on 9 March 2014 and demonstrate peacefully against nuclear power.
List of bridges across the Rhine
1 Bridge Huningue - Weil am Rhein (GPS 47.591556,7.589933) = Passerelle des Trois Pays
Planned Action: 14:00 Human Chain
2 Bridge Fessenheim - Hart home: Rhine Channel (GPS 47.914717,7.570632)
Planned Action: Protest 14:00 - 15:30 Final Protest
3 Bridge Vogelgrun - Breisach (GPS 48.022647,7.581757) = Rhine bridge
Planned Action: Warm Up 11:00 / 14:00 Human Chain
4 Bridge Marckolsheim - Sasbach (GPS 48.153876,7.599277)
Planned Action: 14:00 Human Chain
5 Bridge Gerstheim - Nonnenweier (GPS 48.366785,7.734869)
Planned Action: 14:00 Human Chain
6 Bridge Illkirch-Graffenstaden - Offenburg (GPS 48.491383,7.769941) = Pflimlin Bridge
Planned Action: Human Chain
7 Bridge Strasbourg - Kehl (GPS 48.573697,7.801816) = Europa Bridge
He'll be joining the Fessenheim bridge event and other actions in France this month.
Sitemap/links to organizers for all actions: http://fukushima3.eu/index.php?id=37&L=4
Also, from France (mostly in English, with map) http://chainehumaine.fr/le-9-3-2014-chaine-humaineactions-sur-les-ponts-du-rhin-entre-strasbourg-et-bale/?lang=en
Turku, FI
Click to enlarge; details coming soon.
Warszawa, PO
Click to enlarge; details coming soon.

Bruxelles, BE
Sunday, March 9, at 2 pm there will be a demonstration to shut down Tihange and Doel nuclear power stations at Gare du Bruxelles-Nord (map). Contact: http://stop-tihange.org

London, UK
Parliamentary Public Meeting: Remember Fukushima: No to Nuclear Power
7:00-9:00pm, 10th March, House of Commons, Committee Room 10
“Fukushima 3 Years On & Implications for UK Nuclear Power Plans” Chair:Jeremy Corbyn MP, vice-chair CND; Introduction by Kate Hudson, General Secretary, CND
Speakers:• Dr. Paul Dorfman• Dr. David Lowry: “Nuclear's insecurity of supply” and “The truth about evacuation zones as a lesson from Fukushima.”• Speaker from Green Cross Switzerland: “Japan’s nuclear phase-out following Fukushima.”• Rik, a member of Kick Nuclear “Fukushima: What’s been happening the last few years.”• Geoff Read and Kevin Allwright, Fukushima refugees
Followed by: questions from the floor and discussion. Please give yourself half an hour to get through security. For further info contact London Region CND on 020-7607-2302
7:00-9:00pm, 10th March, House of Commons, Committee Room 10
“Fukushima 3 Years On & Implications for UK Nuclear Power Plans” Chair:Jeremy Corbyn MP, vice-chair CND; Introduction by Kate Hudson, General Secretary, CND
Speakers:• Dr. Paul Dorfman• Dr. David Lowry: “Nuclear's insecurity of supply” and “The truth about evacuation zones as a lesson from Fukushima.”• Speaker from Green Cross Switzerland: “Japan’s nuclear phase-out following Fukushima.”• Rik, a member of Kick Nuclear “Fukushima: What’s been happening the last few years.”• Geoff Read and Kevin Allwright, Fukushima refugees
Followed by: questions from the floor and discussion. Please give yourself half an hour to get through security. For further info contact London Region CND on 020-7607-2302
101-104 Piccadilly, London W1J 7JT Candle-Lit Vigil in support of families and people of all ages continuing to suffer the effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Burnley, UK
Fukushima Commemoration 11:30am, 11th March,
Burnley College, Princess Way, Burnley, BB12 0AN
Joan E. West: joanewest@sky.com
On the third anniversary of the nuclear incident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, all concerned people are invited to join a one-hour vigil on Saturday, 8 March at Heysham Nuclear Power Station to say: 'No more Fukushimas; No more nuclear waste; No nuclear weapons!' Participants will meet 10am for a briefing and refreshments at the Lancaster Quaker Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TX. The vigil at Heysham, nearby, starts at noon. Contact: Mo Kelly, Lancaster Quakers, 01524 389911
FRANCE, Various Locations

50 Days of Actions "From Fukushima to Chernobyl; Stop Nuclear Before the Catastrophe!"
You're may have to use your Google translate on this one, there's too many separate pages for events. Ca va! Look here: http://www.sortirdunucleaire.org/Actions,11
No Nukes action on 3/11 will be carried out in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Teachers and students of State High School, peace ambassador of Brasil and four journalists will deliver a petition/ letter to the Consular General of Japan in Sao Paulo.
They go there 9 am, and Consul General will meet them.
ESPANA, awaiting translation:

Click for full-size. details coming soon;

Platforma Contra al Cementerio Nuclear en Cuenca
We join the international call ... Occupy 'atomic' bridges worldwide
Sunday, March 9, 2014, at 12:00 pm, on the following bridges:
1. Puente de San Pablo (Capital Cuenca)
2. Bridge over the river in Záncara CM-3110 road Pedroñeras La Alberca
3. Bridge over the A-3 next CDTE Tarancón
April. Viaduct over the A-3. Zafra out of Záncara
May. Viaduct over the A-3. Departs at Belinchon
6. Viaduct over the A-3. Departs at Watchtower Cañavate
Contact: contraelcementerionuclear@gmail.com
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